Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year, New Adventures

I'm determined to start the new year off on the right foot.  No promises of exercise or diet, just new things to do and learn. Maybe that's brain exercise. 

I'm excited about my new volunteer work with Dark Horse Rescue. Thrilled at the purchase of my new Pfaff quilting machine, even though on my way to get it, I was sideswiped by a redneck woman in a truck with Arkansas tags who just kept going despite my following her for a mile. (yes I know this is a run on sentence)

Determined to make progress with my dogs. Oh, and as far as people go, I'll spend time with them too—husband, children, grandchildren, friends.

Thank all of you who have read the blog this year. In case you are interested, here are the most popular blogs:

#1.  In the top spot was Deception thy Name is Divinity. I'm not surprised because my son linked it to his Facebook page and to his business website for Senior Care Management Solutions. 

#2.  Second was I Forgot a Couple, a gallery of some of my quilts.

#3.  Third went to Where's the Water? about the breaking of the levy on our three-acre lake.

I started this blog right after I retired in June 2010, but didn't make a real effort to keep it up until September. Since, we have had 1,749 viewers.

The most unusual was from Kopi Luwak Suryana. You remember the world's most expensive and most wonderful coffee mentioned in the movie, "The Bucket List?" Well check them out.  

I'm always open to ideas, so let me know what's on your mind and don't forget to subscribe and join so you can comment on the blog and not on Facebook.

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